
The Club’s primary runway is Runway 04-22, depending on the prevailing winds. The surface is well maintained grass, suitable for all types of fixed wing aircraft – even EDFs with small wheels. Irrigation occurs over the summer months, providing a green surface year-round.
The pilot fence is set back approximately 10 metres from the flight line.
Restraints are installed at either of the runway to secure gas/glow/turbine powered models during startup, tuning, range checking etc.
Club rooms
Our club rooms have ample space for club meetings, flushing toilets and cool drinks are available for purchase. BBQs are hosted at our events, so make sure to have some loose change handy.
Pit area

A generous, undercover area is available for setting up and working on models. Members have access to trestle tables for plane maintenance, and you can take a seat on one of the many picnic tables and watch the action.
The Club is equipped with solar panels and storage for charging batteries whilst at the field. This is suitable for chargers which accept 12-14v input.
Additional restraint points are located within the pit area to secure gas/glow powered models during startup.

Skyhawks caters to all shapes and sizes, fixed wing and rotary. The primary runway features a concrete helipad, and the club has a dedicated heli area which is available when the primary runway is in use.
Weather Monitoring
In addition to the fool proof windsock which flies proudly at the southern end of the pilot’s fence, the club has an electronic weather station which can be monitored from the club rooms, and monitored live via the web: