
Big December coming up at Skyhawks

It’s almost that time of year! But before you down tools there’s a couple of big days coming up at Skyhawks.

Note that as fire ban season approaches (1 December) keen an eye on the CFS website, as flying isnt permitted when extreme or catastrophic conditions are declared for the Mt Lofy Region.

Main runway top dress

Huge effort today getting a few tonnes of sand dressing onto the main runway. As always nothing gets done without a big effort from the great spirited members of the club. Plenty of odd jobs done around the place to keep the field looking pristine.

(Word has it there were a few cubic metres of snags spread out over the BBQ as well).

Enjoy the flat surface guys, should run as good as it looks!

Many hands make for light work
The finished product, better than new!

MASA Tropy

Skyhawks was pleased to host the 4th round of the Northern chapter of the MASA trophy today. In the fierce but friendly competition, South Hummocks took the win closely followed by Concorde.

Well done to all who competed. Another great element of areomodelling for members to sink their teeth into.

We might be biased but we think Skyhawks puts on some of the best food in the tournament – special thanks to club president Adam Coy for the pulled pork!

“How much gravy you want?”

New pilot’s fence

The new fence has been installed which gets pilots much closer to the action, while maintaining important minimum distances from the public viewing areas. Everything that happens in our club comes from generous members donating their time and hard yakka. Looking good guys!